Xiamen, China;
1680x1050 |

Xiamen, China;
1024 x 786 pixels |

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; rising after a fall; 1280x800 pixels |

Xiamen, China;
1366x768 pixels |

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; rising after a fall; 1366x768 pixels |

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; James 4:10; 1280x800 pixels |

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; James 4:10; 1280x1024 |

Hot air balloon, Canal Fulton, Ohio; James 4:10; 1024 x 786 pixels

Xi'an Terra
Cotta army; 1366x768 |

Xi'an Terra
Cotta Army; 1680x1050 |

The Serenity Prayer, Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China; 1024 x 786 pixels

The Serenity Prayer, Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China; 1280x800
pixels |

The Serenity Prayer, Lugu Lake, Yunnan, China; 1440 x 900 pixels |

Unseen Things, Lijiang, Yunnan, China; 1024 x 786 pixels |

Unseen Things, Lijiang, Yunnan, China; 1280x800 pixels |

Unseen Things, Lijiang, Yunnan, China; 1440 x 900 pixels |

Great Wall, 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China; 1440 x 900
pixels |

Carving pumpkins; follow father's example; 1024 x 786 pixels
(the "Viking Views" is the high school newspaper for which Andrew
was a
photographer/editor in 2010-11; Michael was an editor for the "Views" in
1977-78. This photo was printed in a major Ohio newspaper in 2010.) |

Great Wall, 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China; 1024 x 786
pixels |

Great Wall, 2008 Olympics in Beijing, China; 1280x800
pixels |

China's Great Wall; 1280x800 pixels |

China's Great Wall; 1440 x 900 pixels |

Siberian seagulls wintering in Kunming, China;
1280x1024 pixels |

China's Great Wall; 1024 x 786 pixels |

Siberian seagulls wintering in Kunming, China;
1280x800 pixels |

Siberian seagulls wintering in Kunming, China; 1440 x
900 pixels |

Guilin (Li River), China; 1024 x 786 pixels |

Guilin (Li River), China; 1440 x 900 pixels |

Guilin (Li River), China; 1280x800 |

Alaska sunset1 1280x800 pixels |

Alaska sunset1 1024 x 786 pixels |

Alaska sunset1 1440 x 900 pixels |

Alaska sunset2 1280x800 pixels

Alaska sunset2 1440 x 900 pixels

Alaska Whale Tail; 1024 x 786 pixels |

Alaska sunset2 1024 x 786 pixels

Alaska Whale Tail; 1280x800 pixels |

Alaska Whale
Tail; 1680x1050 pixels |

Alaska Whales with Psalm 104; 1024 x 786 pixels |

Alaska Whales with Psalm 104; 1366x768 pixels |

Alaska Whales with Psalm 104; 1280x800 pixels |

Alaska Eagle
(Isaiah 40); 1280x800 pixels |

Alaska Eagle
(Isaiah 40); 1024 x 786 pixels |

Alaska Eagle
(Isaiah 40); 1440 x 900 pixels |

Valentine's Day; Love is... 1280x1024 |
 Alaska Eagle
(Isaiah 40); 1920 x 1080 pixels |

Valentine's Day; We love because... 1280x800 pixels |

Valentine's Day; Love is... 1024 x 786 pixels |

Crystal Nativity
1280x1024 |

Crystal Nativity
1024 x 786 pixels |

Crystal Nativity
1366x768 pixels |

Crystal Nativity
1680x1050 pixels |

Crystal Nativity 1280x800 pixels |

Starry Night (Christmas wallpaper) 1366x768 pixels |
 Starry Night
(Christmas wallpaper) 1024x600 pixels |

Starry Night
(Christmas wallpaper) 1680x1050 pixels |

Starry Night
(Christmas wallpaper) 1024 x 786 pixels (ipad) |

Leaves fall;
Word endures forever -- 1366x768 pixels |

Thanksgiving Hymn and cornucopia -- 1920x1080 pixels

University at Dusk -- 1680x1050 pixels |

Thanksgiving Hymn and cornucopia -- 1366x768 pixels
Instructions for PC users: Click on the
picture you want and you should see a bigger image; right-click and choose
"save image as" and then save to your computer; locate it and then click
"set as desktop background." I think you can save a step by choosing "set
as desktop background" instead of "save image as," but then I'm not sure
where your computer will store it! If you end up with a small photo or
poor-quality picture, then you probably "right-clicked" the small photo on
this page instead of the bigger one you get by "left-clicking"
this photo. |
See our
regarding the use of materials available at
Krigline.com or
All images (c)2012 Michael Krigline unless otherwise
Permission granted to download for personal use. |