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Jan 2001

Feb 2001

Mar 2001

Apr 2001

Jun 2001

Aug 2001

Sept 2001

Nov 2001

Dec 2001




Note: various links or other references may be mentioned below that no longer apply. Sorry for the inconvenience.


January 1, 2001


Happy New Year! 


     December was unusually busy. Vivian was in the US until 12/19, our semester ended, and Christmas always brings extra things to do. Each of Michael’s classes got a Christmas party, and over 200 people came to our special English Corner Christmas Presentation. (Almost as many came to our New Year’s Eve presentation as well!) On Christmas Day, a dozen friends from four countries joined us for lunch, singing, and a movie. Andrew & Michael got many gifts from the US, and Mommy got a new electric keyboard (to replace the piano we left in America). A friend even gave us a Christmas tree to help make the apartment feel like Christmas.

     We will celebrate New Year again on January 24 when the Year of the Dragon gives way to the Year of the Snake. Maybe we’ll have some pictures to show you next month! 

Thanks for stopping by. Check out the rest of our website for lots of pictures, our calendar, and favorite links to other places in Cyberspace. 

      A lot has changed in the world since that “Silent Night” 2000 years ago when a special Baby was born. But the Light of Christmas continues to guide “wise men” to Joy, Peace, and real Purpose. May YOUR 2001 be filled with Joy, Peace, and Purpose, too! 


Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 




February 2001


Dear Friends,

    Welcome to our new website address!  We had some problems logging on to the old site in China, so we now have our own domain.  You'll find a few new features and photos, though much of the website has remained unchanged.  Enjoy!
    As I write, we're halfway through the 15-day Chinese New Year Festival.  The holiday started off with a bang on the evening of January 23, with the greatest fireworks display we had ever seen (to that point!).  We stood on our apartment balcony as various local housing developments lit up the sky in up to seven directions at once.  Meanwhile, "neighbors" shot off untold thousands of firecrackers (or all sizes!) for 45 solid minutes.  It was spectacular!
    To our surprise, a similar (and we think larger) display kept us awake five evenings later.  We are told to expect even more fireworks as the Lantern Festival (Feb.7) brings the holiday to an end.  Traditionally, it is thought that the noise and confusion will frighten away bad spirits or welcome good spirits - though no one knows how the spirits are supposed to know the difference!  However, I think most people just use the traditions as an excuse for some fun!
    In other news, our daughter, Beth, spent 11 days with us in January.  It was a great way to celebrate her December college graduation!  You can see some of what she saw by visiting the new pages of our photo album.  Now she has returned to her new teaching job in South Carolina while we settle back into our busy routine of classes and activities. 
    So, welcome to our new website address!  You will find a new "English Corner" feature on our Student Connection page, and there are additional new photos scattered through our website.  Let us know what you think and how we can make it even better!

In Shanghai,

Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 




March 11, 2001


Dear Friends,


     Chinese New Year finally ended. The fireworks on Feb. 7 were very tame in comparison to Jan 24 and 27, but it was still quite an experience (see last month's update).

      We do not have much to write about this month. It has just been very busy for everyone! I told someone at English Corner that I didn't like February/March very much. After the color and excitement of Christmas and New Year, we all have to settle into a few months of cold, gray, hard work! Such is the cycle of life.

     Fortunately for us, April holds the promise of a long visit from Michael's parents! We have replaced the English Corner photo (now that we are meeting in the daytime), and we have added some of the essays Michael's high school students have written. Otherwise, we are still working out the bugs at our new website address.


Thanks for stopping by. We would love to hear from you!


Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 



April 22, 2001


Dear Friends,


     This update is so late that we are making it good for two months!

     April started busy because Michael’s school term was to end April 12. Andrew complicated things by poking a huge hole/tear in his cornea on April 7. The initial diagnosis included a trip to Hong Kong for evaluation and possible permanent sight impairment. But a miracle took place as our friends around the world prayed, and on April 19 the doctor said Andrew’s sight had basically returned to normal! What a wonderful reminder of Jesus’ love for us—the love we also celebrated on Easter (or “Resurrection Celebration” in Chinese), April 15!

     April 13 was a special day as Michael’s Mom and Dad arrived from the USA for a month-long visit. You’ll find a family photo on our new photo album page--Three Gorges—which shows our trip down the Yangtze River (April 14-18). We will also visit Hangzhou together in early May.

     Michael’s school resumed on April 20. You can see a new photo of his students on our Student Connection page. Vivian and Andrew remain busy learning, as Michael teaches and his parents help us with neglected chores around the apartment (as well as enjoying a taste of life in Shanghai).

     Well, that’s all for now. Thanks for stopping by. Thanks for the care and the prayers related to Andrew’s eyes. His healing made it our best Easter ever!




Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 




June 1, 2001


Dear Friends,


     May turned out to be a nice month. The weather stayed dry and pleasant. Michael's parents were still here in early May, and we enjoyed a short visit by a good friend from Hong Kong at the end of the month. Michael's work expanded to include one new in-company training class. He also had the opportunity to chat with over 50 adult students (through a teacher-friend he met at English Corner) and later had the chance to address several dozen local English teachers at a small conference. 

     June will be our twelfth month in Shanghai. It is hard to believe a year has already passed! When Michael's contract is up (June 30) he will join Vivian for Mandarin classes at a local university. He wants to be challenged, and looking at the textbook makes us think his wish will come true! Vivian's summer class will put a greater emphasis on Chinese characters, so she is in for a challenge as well. We are also arranging summer language classes for Andrew. 

     So, just when we should be expecting a break, things will be heating up instead! But in the midst of Shanghai's warm temperatures, our demanding classes will also provide the chance to start more warm friendships!


Thanks for dropping by!


Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 




August 1, 2001 


Dear Friends, 


     Our summer classes are going well. The student-teacher ratios are very small, so we all get a lot of practice and attention. Michael has learned or re-learned hundreds of characters and is once again able to read simple texts in Chinese. Vivian has learned enough characters to realize that the more you learn, the more they all begin to look alike! It is amazing how moving a single dot or line can completely change a word! Andrew is also making progress, though he seems to be good at finding other things to do besides studying Chinese. For one week he attended a sports camp, and he is also taking private swimming lessons. July’s highlights included the chance to visit 2000-year-old WuZhen, and to see the stunning Shanghai acrobatic circus with local friends. 

     August looks like it will be full of hot weather and a lot of studying before Michael returns to his teaching duties on Aug 27. Two birthdays and our 12th wedding anniversary will help break up the heat (see our calendar). 


We hope you are enjoying your summer, as well. Thanks, as always, for dropping by! 


Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 




Sept 16, 2001

 Dear Friends, 


      Like most of the people in the civilized world, we watched in horror as events unfolded on  September 11, 2001. Our hearts go out to the families of the crash victims, those whose loved ones are listed as missing, and of course to the rescue and clean-up crews who will witness the unthinkable for weeks to come. 

      Our friends and students in Shanghai universally express their sadness at the tragic loss of life. There were a number of Chinese citizens on the airplanes or in the towers when disaster struck. Indeed, it appears that families all over the world were personally wounded by the events a world away. 

     At times like these it is only right that humans turn to God. For the many who are asking “why?” I have attached an article I wrote on the topic. I hope you find it helpful. 

     As for us, life is as busy as ever with new classes in the Intensive English Program at Yew Chung Shanghai International School. I have also resumed corporate training at an airport catering company, and we continue to be active at the English Corner and with the International Community Church. Andrew’s Chinese improved enough over the summer to allow him to skip from Chinese level one to level three! Vivian continues the difficult task of learning to communicate in Chinese. We have some traveling planned, though international plans may change in the wake of terrorism. 

      Thanks for your concerns over us. If you are struggling with confusion or pain as a result of the recent display of unthinkable evil, remember that the Bible contains time-tested answers to Mankind’s deepest needs. It also promises that Jesus Christ will soon return to cast out Satan and all who thrive on evil, ushering in a millennium of worldwide peace. 


In that eternal Hope, 


Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 




Nov 17, 2001


Dear family and friends, 


     The American holiday of Thanksgiving is November 22. This is considered the biggest family holiday in the US, as many families travel far and wide to be together. Traditionally, they eat a huge meal featuring turkey (that's "fire chicken" in Chinese!), cranberry sauce and pumpkin pie. Many families spend a few minutes around the banquet table, thanking God for the blessings of the previous year. Parades, football games, and shopping also play important parts in the long weekend.

      The holiday goes back to around 1620 when people from England (called Pilgrims) first moved to America. They felt that God wanted them to leave England, where they had not been able to worship Him the way they felt the Bible directed. Many died during the bitter journey across the sea, and many more died in the hard winter. But, with the help of Native Americans, by November they had ample food and shelter, and felt the need to thank God for His blessing. Thus "thanksgiving" was born. In one way or another it has been celebrated ever since.

    This Thanksgiving, Americans have again recently faced a bitter journey and much death. But, again, with the help of friends (this time, natives of many lands), they are looking past the pain, and trying to make the world safer for everyone.

     One might wonder how the Pilgrims of 1620 could thank God when almost half of their community had just died. The answer then, and now, lies beyond tragedy in the care of a loving God who had suffered the loss of His own Son (Jesus) in order to buy forgiveness and offer eternal peace to mankind.

     More of my thoughts on "giving thanks" are among the articles you can link to from our links page.

     As for our lives in China, well, we remain busy and happy in our work of teaching English and learning Chinese. We are also thankful for the friends both here and overseas who add so much richness to our lives.

     Thank you for stopping by. May you enjoy a warm Thanksgiving, followed by an especially peace-filled Christmas season.


Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 




December 2001


Dear Friends & Family,

     As I write, it is December 18, and we are only days away from both Christmas and our trip to the Holy Land. Christmas is always a favorite time of year, but this year we are filled with even greater anticipation. Meanwhile, Vivian and Andrew have continued to make great progress in their studies, and Michael has also seen big changes at work.

     The first term of the SIS Intensive English Program (IEP) ended on Dec. 7. This freed Michael up to start helping colleagues teach about 50 Eighth Graders in local schools! So far, he has been impressed by their desire to learn English! (He still teaches an IEP class and coordinates the program as well.)

     The Christmas Season in Shanghai has been wonderful! We have had so many chances to share "Christmas" with our friends! The season started when close friends joined us to decorate our Christmas tree. Then Andrew was in a drama (with a second one later). Over the next few weeks, Vivian and Michael hosted five Christmas parties for friends, students, and former students! We also enjoyed the Shanghai International Church's wonderful holiday musical, and Michael wrote a new Christmas song this year as well. (You can find the words, plus his article on Christmas by following directions on our "articles" page.)

     Now we are heading to Turkey and Israel! Andrew can't wait to see his cousins (who live in Turkey) and grandparents (who are joining us and making the trip possible!). We will see historic Turkey with Michael's sister and her family, then travel to Israel to see some of Michael's college buddies. We have wanted to visit Israel for a long time, and are excited about the chance to stand in places that have been of such monumental international importance throughout human history! I'm sure we will be posting some photos soon to share a part of our experience with you.

     Thanks for thinking of us, and may you and your family also have a blessed Christmas and Joy-filled New Year!


Michael, Vivian and Andrew             (back to top) 


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