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Michael & Vivian Krigline, along with
son Andrew (visiting for Christmas 2011, from his university in
Ohio); beautiful Xiamen
is in the background, with Xiamen University's tallest building right in
the center. Michael and Vivian became grandparents in
December 2010, and again in June 2012!
(Click here for
baby pictures)

As of January 2015, I
will no longer update this FrontPage-based website. INSTEAD, I'm
slowly moving content to
EFLsuccess.com (for EFL/learning content) and
wp.krigline.com (which will
eventually become the new
www.krigline.com) for inspirational and "family" stuff. See "January
2015" update for more information...or visit my newer websites!!
OLD NOTE: This website is too complicated (over 150
pages), but here are the main sections:
Search Krigline.com or the World Wide Web
(results should open in a new window):
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problems are common--sorry!
(see explanation
Contact information::

See our Policy
regarding the use of materials available at Krigline.com

has been teaching English in
China since 2000; in 2014 lecturing at Xiamen University.
从2000年, 林老师在中国担任英语老师;
2014在厦门大学讲课。 ◘
About us: This is
the personal website of the Krigline family: Americans who have been "teaching
and learning" in China since 2000. All photos and materials are © 2014
Michael Krigline unless otherwise noted. We maintain this site primarily for
the benefit of our friends in China, and to provide our friends around the globe with a taste of
China--in the hope of building greater understanding between the people of the
West and the East.
Regarding .CN: We have
created a China-based version of the website so that the pages will
load quicker for our students in China. See "use
policy" for more information. |

Click in the boxes below to go to some of our most popular pages. If
you get lost, just click "Home."
See our
regarding the use of materials available at Krigline.com or
Site created using Microsoft FrontPage by S Johnson, June 2000.
Updated by M Krigline
April 06, 2015